Title: Oom-rug
Episodes: 14
Genre: Romance
Synopsis: Late for her very first photoshoot, Napat (Pat), an aspiring model, earned the ire of fashion photographer Chen who told her that she would never amount to anything. However, just a few years later, she has become one of the most sought after models in the Thai entertainment circle. Pat and Chen soon re-encounter each other at an anniversary party of a renowned magazine. During the party Pat gets roped into representing the models in a drinking contest against the magazine editors. After barely winning the contest, a very drunk Pat is helped back to her room by friend and fellow model Anna. Meanwhile, Chen arranges to meet his girlfriend Jasmine (also a model) in her hotel room, but due to Jasmine and Anna accidentally switching bags, Jasmine hands Chen the wrong room key. Waylaid by fellow photographers along his way who ask him to come and drink with them, a rather drunk Chen ends up in Pat's room. In the morning Pat wakes up to find herself 'sleeping with the enemy' and reacts rather violently...but later on she discovers that she is pregnant. Convinced that Chen is just a player and still harboring a grudge over what he said all those years ago, Pat decides to find a new father for her baby. But, Chen is determined to make her fall for him! Will he succeed, or will they kill each other first?
Episode o1: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o2: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o3: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o4: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o5: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o6: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o7: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode o8
Episode o9: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode 1o: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode 11: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode 12: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode 13: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
Episode 14: [ o1 ] [ o2 ]
[ eps o1-14 softsubs ]
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